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Teacher Self-Evaluation

by Ray H. Simpson

Teacher Self-Evaluation

Need for growth:
1) Knowledge Explosion (x2 every 10yr)
2) Changing educational needs (specialization, pace)
3) Increasing amt of research
-connecting/sharing with other teachers is important
-recording a class for review may help
USE class to find strenghts/weaknesses
HAVE a list of principles/guidelines
Teacher effectiveness -> changes in students
Continually LEARN (forgottin old information, constantly releasing new information)
Thompson & Hunnicutt 1944:
-Praise is more effective on Introverts
-Blame more effective on Extroverts
New concepts => new perspectives => new concepts
--> commitment to creative thinking
--> select reliable and organized texts, also encourage learners to find their own resources
+ should like people
+ meaning/significance rather than raw facts
+ faith in all pupils, foster love for learning
Modern teachers must relate well to colleagues
You can use available tools to monitor:
ex. Tests in Print by O.K.Buros
ex. The Fifth Mental Measurement Yearbook

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